Current to-do list1:
- Celestial Bodies [KICKSTARTING SOON]
- art for .dungeon [KICKSTARTING NOW]
HAPPY99 is proceeding apace, though the past day or so I’ve been taking a break because I like to work myself too much. I’m working on a companion website for it, which really sparked my inspiration to write it, too.
Celestial Bodies will remain untouched until it’s funded; there are currently no edits we need to make on the pdf itself, and everything left is for the Titanic Eclipse edition, which is the final version. I do, however, need to make more assets for the Kickstarter page, and generally fiddle with it until it suits mine and Binary’s standards.
As for the art for .dungeon, I have a Nintendo DS Lite with a flashcart that will be used for the art, and it’s all set up and ready to go. Someone in Snow’s Discord server created a useful python script to convert the files made by the drawing program into .pngs. Thank you, TheOddFireFox!
I have a fair number of smaller, secret, or vastly undeveloped projects that are simmering alongside these three, but this is the current priority. I aim to have HAPPY99 text complete and the text document sent out for editing and reading for backers by mid-February, because Celestial Bodies will be launching early March. There are some friends I owe layout for because I promised I’d touch up their ashcan pdfs and some art commissions I need to finish for clients’ personal use that I’d like to get done in a timely manner.
Oh, also, Rosethorn Keep will be available through Space Penguin Ink in a few months, which is very exciting! Myself and Kay worked very hard on this tabletop game and it’s fun!
bye for now.
- You may be wondering why this is a blog post and not a newsletter. Frankly I get intimidated by newsletters, especially for minutiae and updates. Plus, it’s easier to keep an archive of blog posts. I might make a newsletter in the future. I’ve tried a couple times but have not quite managed to make it work. But maybe, maybe, maybe! ↩︎
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